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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SKA mobile +flower 25
SMILE mobile store +face 35
SPICE rent-a-mobile 16
SRD for your mobile & pc 9
STAR mobile +star 9
STAR mobile accessories 9
SWASTIK mobile accessories 9
T mobile +squares 9
TMF the mobile factory 35
U2 mobile phone +circle arc 9
ULX mobile accessories 9
VIRGIN mobile +oval 9
VOOMAX mobile 38
WAVE TEL mobile specialist 16
WAVETELL mobile mall 35
ZIP mobile 9
ZOOZ +mobile phone 9
anti-theft mobile tracker 9
fmi first mobile +globe ova 9
go for it RELIANCE mobile 38, 41
j-MAX mobile 38
m MINT mobile accessories 9
r RELIANCE india mobile 16, 38, 41
AKS mobilecare +oval 42
EM ELECTRO mobiles 9
H2O mobiles 35
HERB mobiles 9
HOTSPOT mobiles & more 35
KNOT mobiles 9
MAXX mobiles accessories 9
OXEMBERG'S mobiles pants 25
SIMOCO mobiles 38
ST mobiles 37
V mobiles +arrows & square 35
f FORTUNE mobiles +circles 9
MW mobilewala +oval 9
ENDEAVOUR mobility company 42
HERTZ integrated mobility 12, 36, 37, 39
INTEGRATED mobility 12
ON MOBILE true mobility +ar 16
PLUG-INS mobility 35
mocha TEASE 30
GANO mochaccino 30
mochan +bell 5
PANCH MUKH sunkat mochan 14
mochi ka kuta 25
mocktail SHOTS +glass 32
mocktail 42
51 mocktails & MORE +circle 32
mod FASHION 25
mod USHA +circle 21
mod power 9
mod-weld electrode-holder 17
METAL mod 21
ULTRA mod 25
new BPL a mod product 21
AMBER nimbu modak +lemons 30
FELU modak 30
MW modakwala +circle 43
modal +leaf & oval 25
LENZING modal 22, 23, 24, 25
FURORE in mode 25
HUTCH-mode 9, 16
MANGAL MILLS CBE a-la-mode 24
SARZO man s mode 25
VERONIKA le mode +tower 25
modecraft ROYAL 16
model GOLD 25
model milk +pot 29
model thread +cock 23
3C model +ovals 38
model 9, 36, 42
ELITE model management 16
RI PRODUCT model 786 KAMU 16
RSDQ model 16
SFX model 9, 16
TASSC model education 41
all india child model HUNT 41
child model PHOTO CONTEST 41
super model +wreath 16
u-KARE model CU 375 10
PRE NA TAL modeling 16, 25
GLADRAGS modelling institut 41
HIFLEX modelling wax 5
GOTTEX models ltd. 25
KYOSHO radio control models 28
clone's models mfg. 20
MBROWSE usb data modem 9, 16
RED PETALS for modemoiselle 25
M modena ceramics +triangle 19
YARNS i filati a modena 16
modern 9
modern +burner 11
modern +m 31
modern 7 MUST 30
modern 7 MUST +heptagon 30
modern 7 MUST +heptagon ova 30
modern APSARA 26
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